With over 30 years in the international oil and gas consulting industry, Gustavson has the required experience to provide the transaction support that you need ensure the success of your oil and gas project.
With over 30 years of experience behind us, Gustavson understands what is needed to make a business successful. Transaction support is one of the ways we facilitate the creation of opportunities that will enable your business to thrive, whether providing individuals or governments with transaction support services.
Situations that would benefit from transaction support include:
- Purchase and sale of oil and gas interests
- Obtaining financing
- Farm outs
- Production sharing contract negotiations
Public and Private Companies and Transaction Support
Gustavson Associates are international oil and gas consulting experts.
Gustavson provides transaction support for companies that are embarking on domestic and international transactions. As international oil and gas consultants, Gustavson has utilized transaction support methods to prepare reserve and economic reports for financing of acreage, conducted technical and economic due diligence for a proposed acquisitions, and advised clients during negotiations of production sharing contracts.
Gustavson has also evaluated royalty interests and overriding royalty interests, preparing careful investment analyses, based on proposed agreements, indicating the potential value associated with the opportunities.
Call Gustavson at (303) 443-2209 or write us at gustavson@gustavson.com.
Often companies engage in public offerings on the world market including Toronto Stock Exchange, New York Stock Exchange, Alternative Investment Market in London, and Australian Stock Exchange. By engaging in public offerings companies must comply with specific regulations that comply with these markets. Gustavson has provided economic and technical support for clients engaged in public offerings on these and other exchanges. We ensure technical and financial compliance.
Governments and Transaction Support
How can my government or agency utilize Gustavson’s transaction support services?
In order to stimulate private sector investment in oil and gas resources, governments require assistance in the promotion of these resources. This component of transaction support from a government perspective is bidding round planning. This process involves drawing on our team of technical staff to:
- Identify resources for development
- Prepare promotional events and materials
- Provide procurement management services
- Provide International Tender Support Services including contract negotiations support
- Customize a transaction support plan based on your needs and our extensive experience
Call Gustavson at (303) 443-2209 or write us at gustavson@gustavson.com.
If you are involved in a transaction or contemplating one, contact Gustavson for an discussion to ensure that you obtain maximum value.
Our technical and economic transaction support experts will work with you, your attorneys, and/or investment bankers to ensure that your best interests are represented. You can reach Gustavson at (303) 443-2209 or write us at gustavson@gustavson.com.